• info@eammar.com
  • Dammam Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

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Storm Water Network & Pump Station (Mainline, Branch line, Force mainlines)

1. Trench Excavation
2. Pipe Laying and Testing
3. Backfilling and Restoration Works
4. Construction of Valve Chambers and Installation of Valves.
5. Construction of Pump station including Electro mechanical items.

Sewer Water Network & Pump Station (Mainline, Branch line, Force mainlines)

1. Trench Excavation
2. Pipe Laying and Testing
3. Backfilling and Restoration Works
4. Construction of Valve Chambers and Installation of Valves.
5. Construction of Pump station including Electro mechanical items.

Water Supply Network & Pump Station (Mainline, Branch line)

1. Trench Excavation
2. Pipe Laying and Testing
3. Backfilling and Restoration Works
4. Construction of Valve Chambers and Installation of Valves.
5. Construction of Pump station including Electro mechanical items.

Civil Works

1. Clearing works
2. Cutting and Filling Works
3. Grading Works

Road Works and Asphalting Works

1. Sub grade works
2. Base Course
3. Asphalting Works
4. Curb stones and interlock tiles
5. Milling and re asphalting works



About us

Eammar Infrastructure Contracting Company Ltd. (EICC) was established in 2003 as a full Saudi Business entity owned by Raed Was Abu Aisheh. It is a heavy civil contractor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

EICC’s corporate offices are located in Al-Khobar, Eastern Province. As of date, the company employs over 500 strong talents and uses more than 270 heavy and earth moving machineries and equipment.

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